Welcome to Jaya Yoga, Registered Yoga School Up to this point, you may have been to different classes, teachers, workshops, retreats, trainings, etc, but now you will become immersed with an experienced practitioner and trainer: Stephanie (Pushti) who is devoted to you and your deeper yogic experience during and even after our training time together. Traditionally, this is how Yoga was passed down through the ages. Without a long-term teacher, no one to consistently see your progression and practice in your Yoga training, you may feel something missing in the dedication and devotion you experience on your path. THIS is why we are upleveling our YTT to a Mentoring model. In addition, Stephanie brings in guest Master Trainers/Teachers, so that you can learn from the best and expand your perspective.
We provide both SAYF-Certified & Yoga Alliance-approved 200-Hour Teacher Training. Our program exceeds the basic requirements of Yoga Alliance in many ways, but, most importantly, will teach you how to use your strengths to truly connect with the students you teach.
“Our inspiration is to share Yoga in ways that are meaningful to you energetically and spiritually. Jaya Yoga is also uniquely grounded in preventing yoga injuries so that you can continue your practice for the rest of your life - we approach yoga not from what's trendy, but from what's sacred, sustainable, and revolutionary.” - Stephanie
Jaya Yoga RYT 200 TT Program
Dear Yoga Folks & Friends, We are transforming our YTT program into something extraordinary (YTT program for both 200 and 300/500 levels) that is focused on mentoring!
Our NEW RYT 200 YTT program: Total hours will include group weekly 2-hour mentoring plus more mentoring, weekend/one-day workshops, and online programming series. When? We will meet either Mondays or Fridays 12-2 PST (Monday seems to work for most people, so far. However, if there is enough interest, I may do two groups Monday and Friday). You can attend either in-person in-studio or live online for a master class and then a lesson. I’d like everyone to attend “live” (but if you need to miss an average of one live session a month, you can make it up via recording). There will be 1-2 hours of homework each week, as well, which will include a weekly quiz. I will be meeting with a group of about 12-20 Trainees for 2 hours/week (you choose: either Online or In-Studio) starting in September. To further the experience, our group will, also, be taking, or reviewing, the SAYF Training simultaneously along with the mentoring hours.
WE RECOMMEND STARTING EITHER SEPTEMBER 1 or JANUARY 1. We take a break over Summer. So, there are two modules: September-December and January-June.
What will we be doing? Our mentoring time focus will always include philosophy, pranayama, meditation and sometimes mantra. We will also be really refining and upleveling our language (including inclusive and trauma-informed language), pose options and deeper understanding of human movement mechanics so that every pose can be both practiced and/or taught progressively for all bodies, and so much more. In addition to our scheduled 2 hours, you will will have access to the SAYF Training while you are mentoring, and will have email access to me during this mentoring time, as well. As we get further along, there will also be practice teaching options (but only when/if you feel really ready) where I will give feedback to improve your teaching.
Your time commitment 3-4 hours/week (includes both SAYF study and email access, as well). And, if interested, you will earn 15 hours/month toward CEs, 200 RYT, or 300/500 RYT. Your monthly cost will be $199 via autopay until we feel you are done, or you choose to cancel.
How to register/purchase? You can sign-up anytime to commit. $199/month autopay. This also INCLUDES access to the $499 SAYF 2.0 Training. https://www.sayfyoga.com/purchase
Mentoring & Completing your RYT 200: September-Jan: 20 weeks of learning to teach SAYF asana, the 8 limbs, philosophy, pranayama, meditation and sometimes mantra Jan-March: 10-Week Yama/Niyama Course January - March 2025 - applying yoga to your life Mar-April 2025: 3-Week Pranayama Course - the OG “breathwork" April 2025:SAYF Movement - NEW course focusing on learning to progress options for all major joints May-June 2025 - Practice Teaching, Ethics, Mantra, Sanskrit, & More
Financial Commitment: 10 months of mentoring at $199/month for completing these foundational courses = $1990 = 150 hours These 10 months will give you the foundation you need to prepare you to teach yoga classes with upleveled language (including inclusive and trauma-informed language), pose options and deeper understanding of human movement mechanics so that every pose can be both practiced and/or taught progressively for all bodies, and so much more! For the rest of the required 200 hours, you will need an additional 50 hours. You can choose from any of the programming listed below. If you can make it happen, we highly recommend including one of the Retreats so that you can experience the transformational benefit of creating this time away with like-minded persons supporting your growth through the lens of yoga. The One Week Intensives include 30 hours toward YTT.
Inspirational trainers who have invested in their education, training and experience and have A LOT to offer will be collaborating with me to offer this new programming. Online/hybrid series: Sept 2025 7-Week "Energy Yoga” Course: Chakras, Koshas, Kriyas, Kundalini - optional In-Studio Weekend One Day Workshops: Yoga Nidra & Restorative Yoga - now available Online 12 Traditional Yoga Meditation Practices & Mindfulness Kids/Teen Yoga & Mindfulness Prenatal Yoga Mantra - Supported by Online Program Learning Sanskrit for Yoga - Supported by Online Program Trauma Sensitive Yoga - Supported by Online Program Creating Connection Through Touch (providing personal guidance while teaching)
Destination learning (continuing education or YTT in-person on retreat) options: ~Radical Restoration (sound healing, restorative, Yoga Nidra, and meditative practices), Breitenbush, Nov 2-4, 2024 (offered again spring at Society in Bingen, WA) ~Wildview, Algarve, Portugal April 26-May 3, 2025 ~BodhiTree, Nosara, Costa Rica, November 22-29, 2025 Come along…join us...retreat to expand...and connect with nature, community and self. Hoping life is sweet, meaningful, and/or joyful for you today.
If you aren’t sure if you want to commit to Steph being your mentor, this FREE 5 hour course The Transformative Power of Accessible Yoga will help you get to know me a bit better and it is, also, a great introduction to my background and my approach to yoga: https://www.sayfyoga.com/assignments
More Details/Course Descriptions:
Limbs 1 & 2: Yamas, Niyamas, & the Bhagavad Gita YOU deserve growth and support. WE are here to support YOU in discovering how yogic teachings can be powerful protectors and guides for your life experience. January is a transformative time of year. Join us for a 10-Week deep dive into the first two limbs of yoga: the Yamas and Niyamas as taught from the teachings of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras and The Bhagavad Gita. Additionally, this Course includes one Flow class each week live-streaming with Stephanie that integrates the teachings into a practice that focuses both on psychological and kinesthetic awareness. This course is excellent for expanding your yoga practice into all aspects or your life, as well as, personal development and transformation. 25 hours devoted are also eligible to be applied to either 200/300/500 teacher training or CEs. Offered Jan - Mar each year, included in the monthly mentoring program. Discounted to $199 for those repeating the Y/N program annually, or for Flow Unlimited Members not participating in YTT For discounted rates, you can register here: https://www.flowhoodriver.com/event-calendar.html
Limb 4: Pranayama & Koshas How is your breath? No, seriously, this is a powerfully contemplative question. Breath truly and remarkably affects YOUR life energy ("prana"). We will delve into both the modern science and ancient tradition of breathing. Limb 4: Pranayama & Koshas delves into both the sacred traditions of breathwork and the subtle energy bodies (koshas) and also the physiology (Breath book by James Nestor recommended). You will have opportunity to join us for two live online teaching sessions each week (one taught by Stephanie Adams Ruff and one taught by guest Master). Additionally, this Course includes one Flow class each week live-streaming with Stephanie that integrates the teachings into a practice that focuses both on psychological and kinesthetic awareness. This course includes 3.5 hours of learning each week. Hours can be attended "live" or you can watch the recordings. This course is excellent for expanding your yoga practice into all aspects or your life, as well as, personal development and transformation. 10.5 hours devoted are also eligible to be applied to either 200/300/500 teacher training or CEs. Offered April each year, , included in the monthly mentoring program. Discounted to $99 for those repeating the Pranayama practice/program annually, or for Flow Unlimited Members not participating in YTT For discounted rates, you can register here: https://www.flowhoodriver.com/event-calendar.html
We understand that your life is busy and there are often many other commitments you need to consider before diving into a 200 hour training program. After years of experience leading trainings, we have determined a balanced training schedule that allows our students to best absorb the breadth of the training program, as well as, honor those modern life commitments (family, work, finances, and personal time).
We will cover the foundational aspects of yoga: yoga history & various styles of teaching, the 8-limbs, meditative inquiry, human anatomy & movement, and pose alignment. Here are some highlights of programs that can be taken as part of your 200 or 300 hour TT, or simply for personal practice and inquiry:
Sustainable Vinyasa Yoga
Aligning with the sacred energy flow of the body is the simplest way to tap into your pranic vitality and return to the natural alignment that is your true nature. Learn simple principles of alignment in fundamental Vinyasa poses based on essentials of hatha yoga biomechanics. This training will give you options to refine your practice and teachings to become even more sustainable regardless of your lineage or dedicated asana style. These functional fundamentals can help to prevent yoga injury especially in areas most prone to injury in modern active yoga styles: the wrist, lumbar and cervical spine, and hips/knees! Sustainable Yogasana creates a good understanding, body awareness, and integration between yoga therapeutics and more active styles of yoga.
Yoga for Every Age & Stage
There is so much great information out there about teaching to different ages and stages of life. Stephanie has taken the vast amount of options and information available for modifying the traditional practices for specialty populations into the most practical and powerful. Learn the most important considerations for modifying classes for pregnancy, seniors, obesity, and fun and playful formats for teaching to kids. This is a training for every body and will include adaptive options for stress reduction for optimal health for every age and stage.
Creating Connection Through Touch
Yoga is a gift. We can create connection and community in many ways. One natural way we express connection is through touch and physical support. This 5 hour teacher training workshop will focus on assisting and adjusting asana to both connect and to guide. Healing through touch by bringing aligned balance to our students' bodies.
We explore asana thoroughly to balance the muscles and prevent yoga injury, looking at asana together as standing poses, backbends, forward bends, twists, arm balances and inversions.
Kinesiology is the study of movement, performance, and function by applying the sciences of biomechanics, anatomy, physiology, and psychology. From a yogic perspective, we look deeply into the poses and apply the ancient science of bandhas (energetic seals/locks) with modern functional strength/muscle balancing. Additionally, we take into consideration skeletal anatomy and develop an understanding of the physiology of stretching to "see" both the benefits and limitations of asana to balance the physical body.
Discussion of common yoga injuries and how to prevent them through progression, modifications, and options.
We develop an understanding of the subtle energy body: koshas, chakras, rasas and nadis, and understand the benefit of pranayama, kriya, mudra, and asana to connect with the inherent vital energy that we are.
We will review up to 30 kriyas, many unique to Jaya Yoga. Kriyas are mental and physical fluid meditations. Kriyas are not well known or understood in the West, yet are a primary practice in India, where yoga began.
At the 200 hour level, we deeply study Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, including the essentials of Yoga philosophy, the 3-Step Plan, 8 Limbed System, and Yamas and Niyamas.
In celebration of yoga all ways, we look at the "family tree" of the major lineages of Eastern and Western Yoga Traditions, older & contemporary, to understand the styles and traditions emerging today.
Sanskrit pronunciation and practice for both asana and yogic terms.
Support in developing your authentic teaching voice and language.
Energetically balancing our classes with hatha and vinyasa. The energetic and physical practices of mantra and mudra will be introduced and practiced, including practical ways you can incorporate them into classes. Meditation and pratyahara (sense withdrawal) will be daily practice using a variety of techniques, as will the other limbs of the 8-limbed system.
Mindful Adjustments. Learning to connect individually and energetically with students first, and secondly, through visual, verbal, and touch. Physical adjustments are an advanced teaching technique that should be applied with experience once a teacher has become comfortable with teaching technique and creating connection.
Practice teaching experience through observation and assisting in classes with your peers.
What to Look for in a Yoga Teacher Training Program As you compare different programs and schools, feel free to ask lots of questions about the program and the experience of the Trainers. Not only how long have they been practicing or teaching Yoga, but how long have they been training teachers. Another thing to consider is how many students will be allowed into the program. It is of the utmost importance to us that we have enough people to generate energy and support, but not so many that we are limited in our personal connection to each student. Stephanie has been taught by master teachers in the U.S. and India and has taken a variety of trainings around the world to ensure that she is providing classes to inspire the mind, awaken the spirit, and bring vital energy into the body. Our teacher trainers have been trained in many forms of vinyasa/astanga/power, bihar, kriya/kundalini, yin, Iyengar, partner/acro, Pranava, and therapeutic/viniyoga. Stephanie has been practicing asana regularly since 1994 (30 years), and training Yoga teachers and developing curriculum for Yoga Alliance-approved training programs nearly full-time since 2000 (25 years).
Is Jaya Yoga Right for You? Jaya Yoga will challenge your body and mind, and open your heart, if you let it. We will ask a lot from you, and you will get back, what you give. Once you commit to this program, your practice, and your overall well-being...you "catch" Yoga, you become Yoga. You relax into life with the most vital energy you've ever known. If your heart is inspired toward the Jaya Yoga path, you can choose to enter either at the 200-hour or 500-hour level (if you already have your RYT 200).
Questions about weekend workshop logistics?
If on a budget, we recommend booking at the Society Hotel across the river where you can, usually, stay in the dorm rooms for less than $50/night. This includes use of the sauna, cold plunge and hot soaking tub (by appointment).
Food, lodging, and transportation to Hood River are your own expense, but we will do our best to help you coordinate rides, etc, from the airport, if needed.
Each one day workshop training includes a packet/manual. For some, there is also a recommended or required book. We have carefully considered which books are most essential to a yoga teacher's reference library - if we require one, you will use these again and again.
If you commit to a weekend workshop, please leave all other work or obligations behind during your training weekends.
A yoga teacher training is and should be an intentional, personal relationship with both yourself and your inner growth, as well as with your teacher trainers and the information that is presented. We would love to have a personal conversation with you regarding our program and your interests to make sure that we are a good fit for you and your needs.
To register please contact us expressing your interest and any remaining questions you may have regarding the Jaya Training Program. You may also directly register for our upcoming trainings and workshops online.
Here is what people are saying about Jaya Yoga Teacher Training (unsolicited feedback):
"Stephanie, thank you so much for the training. I can’t find words for a high enough praise. I have been changed by it. I appreciate your graciousness." ~ Dr. K Wright
“First I want to thank you so much for the incredible weekend. I feel so happy and focused and calm and excited and emotional (all those at once) to continue my learning with you both, with Jaya Yoga. I feel very clear about this—pursuing a path that manifests as supporting others has been in my mind and heart for over 20 years—should I get a graduate degree in psychology? Should I enter into energy work? Life coach? Yoga teacher? I am clear now about the path—this is huge for me (and for my family, who has been observing this spinning wheel in my mind for a long time). As a dancer, and as a support person in my work and family and life, yoga is the magic combination of movement and expression and quiet and compassion and challenge and joy for me. The universe seems to be offering me openings in this regard right now, and I can’t explain why this is, but know I would like to move forward. I was deeply moved by the weekend, and humbled by all there is to learn—you know the old adage, the more you know, the more you don’t know! All I learned made so much sense to me intuitively—emotionally, and physically. I am excited to have learned how to care for myself more fully in yoga and how to care for others. Practicing restraint and calming my own intensity is a life challenge for me, but I felt an opening in that regard, in myself, after the weekend.” ~ VT
“I wanted to say “Thank You” again to you for the amazing opportunity you provided for us to all come together and learn and celebrate yoga. The depth of your knowledge, compassion, and love for what you do and the people you teach is truly a thing of beauty and I count myself lucky to be able to share in that. I’m inspired to share what I learned and have been processing the weekend and rereading my notes today in hopes that I can internalize as much as possible and bring it into my own classes as well as my life.” ~BB “Once again let me tell you how grateful I am ...My life has been changed forever and that seems to happen every time I meet with you. I want to tell you a story: On Saturday when I had that experience of waves of heavy sadness I didn’t know if I could bear it but I decided to let my body handle it because it obviously didn’t want to store that pain any longer. I thought when I came to the workshop that I could disconnect and leave my problems at home and I was surprised that I could feel everything that I was feeling and still enjoy the training. Usually when I am having an experience I get disconnected from my body. This time it was different and I was in my body... I suspect that is part of your mission of creating a yoga community and I want you to know IT’S WORKING!!!” ~JH
"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it." ~ Rumi