Giving yoga to someone new to Flow? 6 Weeks for $60 Intro Special is a GREAT GIFT! Here is HOW to purchase Gift Cards Online through the Karmasoft Store - 4 Steps:
Karmasoft Profile: Flow Members can simply use their Karmasoft Profile log in to purchase gift cards.
Directly choose a Gift Card for one of the following amounts: $60, $100, $200, $500.
OR choose a Membership, such as: Intro (new members only), 8-Class, 6 Month, or Annual.
To Gift to Them, Either:
Simply forward the email receipt to the recipient, OR
Print it & send in a card or wrap it! - Happy Holidays, Birthday, etc!
Be sure to also then forward the email receipt to Lia at [email protected] letting her know the recipient's name so she can transfer the membership to their name.
🏔Flow is a community-focused studio committed to offering transformational yoga for every body, heart, & soul. We offer inclusive and accessible yoga & movement for all bodies. We are devoted to the sacredness of the yoga tradition. 🏔NOW is a great time to move your body, bring presence to your mind, and nurture your heart.