At Flow, we welcome all genders. Due to gender stereotypes, some who identify as men are intimidated by Yoga because, in the west, yoga is practiced often by those identifying as women.
Interestingly, in India where Yoga originated it is primarily men who practice hatha yoga, similar to martial arts in other eastern areas of the world. We’ve had men say to us, “I cant do yoga, I’m not flexible.” Well, of course, that is the whole point. Anyone who has the courage to try yoga, can realize the profound benefits to their bodies and minds.
All genders can learn incredible mindbody (kinesthetic) awareness in yoga that helps them to enjoy all aspects of their life more fully, especially outdoor fun that requires whole body functional strength. For example, practicing the balance of both being powerful while, also, maintaining a soft full breath in poses like Warrior. As well as, how to let go of all effort in a forward fold while allowing the warmth and nourishment of the breath to physiologically send a signal to muscles to relax and stretch.
Anyone who is already very flexible, can benefit in yoga by focusing on good alignment, muscle balancing, and dynamic strength in the postures. Those who have always been very active, find yoga to be the perfect cross-training option–a great balance to stretch out muscles that have continually shortened over time. Those who have not been active at all, will find yoga is the perfect opportunity to awaken dormant muscles progressively (Slow Flow, Gentle and Beginner Flow are good options in that case).
We would love to learn your pronouns and put them into the notes of our database, so we can help you feel addressed in the way YOU feel most authentically YOU.