October 16-23, 2021 Adi and Steph welcome all sincere yoga practitioners and teachers for a weeklong journey into Yoga. The Heartgate is a sanctuary for the soul. A magnificent 10,000 sq. ft. renovated schoolhouse, circa 1910, located just above the beautiful Columbia River town of Hood River, Oregon. Mt. Hood and Mt. Adams stand as sentinels to the south and north, and the area abounds in rivers, lakes, and wilderness. This One Week Intensive is for Yoga Teachers or sincere practitioners and can be attended for Yoga Alliance CEs or hours toward a 300/500 RYT with Jaya Yoga. Participants will be making their own meals and cleaning up after themselves living the experience of the ashram community created here. There are beautiful dorm style rooms and shared baths, and a large shared kitchen. This Intensive will be limited to 18 persons, so sign up early.
Cost includes lodging, classes, and training (food and transportation will be on your own and in community, if chosen): $975 - $500 non-refundable deposit required to hold your space.* *Deposit can be credited toward a future Intensive only if your space can be filled by another participant.
Registration & Questions
We would love to hear from you! Please our training manager if you have questions about the retreat or logistics.